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Dates: Aug 04-11, 2018
Hello Mexico trip goers!
We will use this topic to manage all the questions asked about this trip. Please check back frequently to see what others have asked and how we have replied. This will be the ONLY ongoing TRIP FAQ for this trip so you'll only have to look in one place and can quickly see what has been added since the last time you checked.
Mexico TRIP FAQ:
What's Included
Q. How do I find out what is included in this trip pkg? 5-1-18
A. Please click on the #1 Topic with the Trip Name in it and read that topic. It will tell you what is included and what is not. Sometimes when we open a trip we are missing some information so as it is available we will add it below in this TRIP FAQ as well as add it to the #1TRIP DETAILS POST.
Q. Will you be offering a snorkeler pkg and/or non-diver pkg? 5-5-18
A. We are pricing our a snorkeler pkg and will price out a non diver and non snorkeler pkg if anyone wants one. Just let us know. We have had several requests for a snorkeler pkg so that is in the works. -
Options & Extras
Discounts & Rebates
Payment Information
Travel Details
Diving & Itinerary
Experience Required, Training & Workshops
Destination Info
Insurance, Documentation, Questions and T&C's1. Also I have the Medical Liability form complete, signed and scanned ready for transmitting to the correct "SDer" person or administrator via correct email address. 5-12-18
A: Please either UPLOAD the form via your MY TRIPS portal or you can scan and email to Our awesome trip coordinators will reply back they got it as well as let you know if we need anything else.
2. I am wondering how to find the password for the Cozumel trip forum. I signed up and paid for the trip. Please send password via email or text. 5-12-18
A: We no longer use password protected forums UNLESS the trip entails complicated int'l flights and we need to share different flights for people. And example of that would be Raja Ampat trip. This trip does not need the password protected forums.
3. How do I ask questions about this trip? 5-12-18
A: You can ask questions via THE QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS topic in the dedicated Trip Forum. It is topic #3 in all trip forums. (Please use the one for your trip) -
Other updates
Edited by WreckWench, 12 May 2018 - 01:37 PM.