IPB    Order Form

General Info
ScreenName: *
Email: *
Telephone: - - *
Payment For:  *
Invoice No: *  If not applicable, enter "n/a" or "0"

How You Will Pay eCheck (free)
Visa/Mastercard (adds 3% non-cash convenience fee)

Please enter only what you are paying for on this transaction. You will need to enter the cost and then click the 'calculate' button.

Trip Options/Merchandise (Please give details in the space provided)
Item 1: $
Item 2: $
Item 3: $

Please fill out this section if you are purchasing merchandise.
Shipping Cost: $
Insurance: $

If you were given a discount or referral code please enter it here.

Payment Due
3% Convenience fee $

The box below can be used to add any comments required to complete your order. You can elaborate on what you want to do or give us special instructions for example, how many extra days you want or how many nitrox tanks you need if pricing is not a weekly package price. If booking a trip you can cut and paste the booking template here and use this as an order form for the entire trip. This will help our accountant know exactly what you want and what you are paying for. Please be as specific as you can.


Clicking the 'Pay Now' button below will take you to our payment gateway where you can complete your transaction. If you find an error in the payment gateway information just return to this page, fix the error, click the 'Calculate' button again and then press 'Pay Now' again. (You may or may not be able to use your back button to return depending on your browser.)