Forums Menu: Orientation 2018-2019 Trips Topic Listing
Trip Topic Menu: Trip Details Trip FAQ Ask a Question Who's Going??? Book Now
Here is how you use these forums to learn about this trip or ask questions. It's really quite simple!!!
You will notice a bunch of links at this level. These links are called topics. The main topics have numbers and a label that describes what information they contain. Open the relevant topic and either read the information or post your comment at the bottom of the topic. We have learned over the years that dividing things up over multiple topic and directing where people can post solves lots of problems for everyone. Here is how each of the main topics work.
Everything we know about this trip is here. All the prices, rules, and policies, are listed here. Think of the information here as the agreement you are signing up to if you go on this trip. It is occasionally updated when members ask questions we did not answer up front. You can find instructions about how to book your trip here also. Only staff can post here.
#2 TRIP FAQ & Answers to Member Questions
This is a one stop shop for all the answers to the questions in QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS topic. Only staff can post here.
#3 QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS... Ask Away Inside this Topic!
Please ask specific questions not answered in #1 Trip Details here. These questions should have a very specific and well defined answers. We will monitor this topic but the answers will be given in topic #2. If we don't understand the question then we may ask for clarification here so check back here until the question is acknowledged in topic #2. Other members may answer your question before we do. Then we will move their answer to the topic #2 if it is correct but unless you see it in topic #2 don't consider it a correct answer. Contact us at
if your question is not acknowledged in topic #2 to topic in a few days.
Good Questions for This Topic:
1) Does the resort provide 110volts?
2) Does the resort provide hair dryers?
3) Does the dive operator provide dive lockers or do we shlep our gear back to the room everyday like miserable, soggy sherpas?
4) Does the boat also have specific forms?
5) How do I upload my itinerary on an iPad?
Bad Questions for This Topic:
1) I can buy a ticket on Liat for $50 less than Seaborne, should I take it? This question is unique to you and not about the resort, dive operator, or our service. BTW the answer is NO, Liat is never worth it unless you don't have another choice.
2) I want to see Caribbean Penguins on this trip. What part of the island is best for this? This question is about tours or nondiving activities and not about the resort, dive operator, or our service. (The answer is THE BAR, and I will be happy join you in your search AFTER the days dives are over!!!
#4 Who's Going, Who's Doing What, Extras, & Tours
This is a general discussion area for members to coordinate their trip with each other and us. Anything posted here will be answered here and staff does not necessarily answer these questions. This is where you can meet your fellow divers and plan some awesome adventures. We also tabulate everyone's data here so that you coordinate with each other just a little bit better.
Good Questions for This Topic:
1) I can buy a ticket on Liat for $50 less than Seaborne should I take it? This question is unique to you and you are asking the group to help you find your answer. We are nice and friendly here please help your fellow travelers and discuss away.
2) I want to see Caribbean Penguins on this trip. What part of the island is best for this? This question is about tours and it would be great for members to help you find the elusive Caribbean Penguin. You never know, another member may be a bird watcher also. Make some friends and let your fellow divers know who you in this forum
3) Who arrives April 14th, I get in early then and I want to see the island? Again, this is planning and not a question about the resort or the dive operator so it is perfect for this topic.
You can not post in topics that have locks next to them. They are read only so the information in them can be easily found by all members without hunting through multiple pages of posts.
You will notice a bunch of buttons at the top of each topic. These buttons allow you to navigate between topics, contact us, or even book the trip.
Occasionally other topics specific to a particular trip may be available as well. Feel free to post in them if the topic is appropriate to you.
Booking and Documents
You can click the green "Book Now" button in the navigation buttons at the top of each post to book the trip. This button will direct you to the Booking page. Please note that any discounts offered will have to be applied at the time of booking. The discounts can be found in the "Trip Details" topic. After booking, you will directed to "My Trips" area where you can complete your documents. You can always navigate back to "My Trips" either from the forums by clicking the blue "My Trips" button at the top of the forums
OR from the home page by clicking the "My Trips" link under the "Trips" menu item but you must be logged in to the booking system to see it
The Trip PM
We use a device called a PM, or private message, to disseminate information about the trip that we feel is too sensitive to post in the public domain or is irrelevant to members not on the trip. This may include travel details, hotel bookings, or even last minute changes to docks and such. Shortly after you book the trip you will be added to the "Trip PM" and will be welcomed to the trip by email confirmation of your addition to the "Trip PM." Each post we make to the "Trip PM" will generate an email to each person on the trip so we ask that you PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS PM. When everyone replies to the "Trip PM" it becomes quite annoying and people stop monitoring the PM's. Just remember, if you are stranded at the airport then it may be because you did not read the PM.
You can check your PM's by logging in here and looking in the upper right for an envelope next to your name. it will look something like this
If the envelope has a red number on it then you have an unread PM. Click the icon to go to your PM manager. You can also PM staff or even other Premier Members if you wish to talk with them privately. All responses will generate an email to everyone on the PM. This is similar to Facebook messages.
A Note About Privacy
We take privacy seriously here and do not wish to alert the world that you will not be home when you go on one of our trips. To this end, we use screen names to refer to people on the public side of the site. We may divulge first names but never last names. If you would prefer that we not list you as not going at all then just let us know in the comment section at signup and we will be glad to oblige your request.
That is about it. Feel free to post here with any questions about how to navigate these forums and we hope to see you on this trip.